About Me, Renate Bach


The younger of the two ladies: That's me. And the picture was taken during a visit to Erfurt, Thuringia in Germany. On the left in the picture it is Helga Brück, a Bach scientist and Bach author who unfortunately died far too early.



For more than 30 years I worked together with my husband Peter Bach Jr. at a distance of only two meters (... some six feet). And I still do today. 24/7. Only when he is on a business trip – so, the trips without me – then I can also work what I feel was important. No kidding, now. 40 years of marriage and that around the clock, private and business, that's what we're both proud of.


In these well over 30 years we have both work mainly for daily newspapers here in Germany, for breweries and for an efficient forwarding company. So photos and the use of photo software have been our daily job for decades. Old-fashioned disciplines such as punctuality, fairness and often almost perfectionism led the team – for many years also with my father-in-law, Peter Bach Sr. –to be a market leader in what we did.  We created – and still create today – digital shows that you get to see when you visit a company that you want to get to know and that shows our show before the company tour.


A picture of my sister-in-law and me. It's Ines-Petra Kaune, and she designed the illustrations in my Publisher's first book, the "Bach Biography for Children". At this point: thank you so very much.



With all this experience in the field of newspaper printing and over decades Peter and I (... there is a picture of Peter below) decided not to have his book about the composer from Thuringia printed by a book publisher, but to take it into our own hands. So I founded my Publishing House Bach 4 You. In the beginning it was a pure book publishing house, even if only with the publication of one book. Later it became a specialized music calendar publishing house. Finally – in the summer of 2019 – a private contact gave me the opportunity to also offer calendars for wine connoisseurs and professionals in the wine and beverage industry. Well ... now you know everything important about me. With one exception: We love – both of us – the USA. That is why here one picture from the US is allowed.


There are thousands of color photos of New York. Believe it or not, photographers love black and white photos. And since my husband Peter is a photographer, I tolerate this one photo among all the colorful ones. He designs my websites and in this way we get along very well. 


The whole creative team around the "Bach Biography for Children": Peter, I, my sister-in-law.

No page on my websites should end without a picture of a wine wall calendar. That is why there are the two photos above.



Renate Bach Publishing "Bach 4 You" – Bildstrasse 25, 74223 Flein / Germany – Phone: +49 7131 576761 – info (at) bach4you.de